January 2019 Medical Camp: Day 4

We thank God for a very successful medical Camp and are eternally grateful to the Medical Mission Trips to Kenya and all our friends in the US who ensured its successful operation. Thank you to our Kenyan volunteer teams and all of you who supported us in your own ways! God bless you! A total of 1337 people were treated in the 4 days camp.
The last minute rush of the final day (12/1/2019) of the Medical Camp was as busy as the first with more people eager to get the most out of it. 260 patients received Out Patient services, 78 dental cases handled, 13 had consultations with the surgical team and 7 surgical procedures were performed.
It is amazing how many people benefited from the four days free Medical camp;1031 people received Outpatient services : The Dental Team : 230 patients, 264 Extractions, 25 PRS, 12 gingival/cyst removals, 1 root canal and 6 evaluations. The Surgical Team: 76 Evaluations and 43 minor surgical procedures.
All in need of medication also received drugs free of charge. The delight and gratitude on the faces of the beneficiaries was evident as each walked out of the Center’s gate. The Dental team gave its clients new smiles and the surgical team a new lease of life. We look forward to the next Medical Camp and hope to reach and impact more people.