St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary & Mentorship Team and Molo Maternal and Child Health Program’s Community Health Volunteers conduct teenage mentorship for Kiambiriria Primary School students (3/3/2021) to train on:
St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary & Mentorship Team and Molo Maternal and Child Health Program’s Community Health Volunteers conduct teenage mentorship for Mwangaza Primary School students (22/2/2021) to train on:
A total of 375 Under five year old children from Mutirithia Village (Blessed Kids ECDE, Rose-park Academy, Broad Life, St. Paul’s Nursery, Mutirithia Day care, Molo Springs, Umoja Academy and
A total of 121 Under five year old children from Kiambiriria Village (Kiambiriria Primary, St. Miriam E.C.D.E and St. Peter’s E.C.D.E) were on 10/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets
A total of 46 Under five year old children from Kapsita Village (Mwangaza Primary) were on 10/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health
Molo Maternal and Child Health Program’s Community Health Volunteers and St. Francis Moto Hope Dispensary Team hold their February Meeting (8/2/2021) at Moto Hope Center. Special thanks to those who
A total of 292 Under five year old children from Ngenia, Bygum and Set-Kotes Villages (Ngenia ECD, Exodus ECD, By Grace Nursery, Bygum Primary and Set-Kotes Primary school) were on
A total of 30 Under five year old children from Kiambu Village (Kiambu ECDE) were on 4/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal and Child Health
A total of 110 Under five year old children from Muthinji Village (Muthinji Primary and Kaptembwa ECD) were on 3/2/2021 de-wormed and given Vitamin C tablets in the Molo Maternal